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NBA 2K21 My Career & Pro-AM Player Build Guide - Size, Takeover and Archetype To Create Good Player

9/8/2020 2:22:06 PM

Creating a player in NBA 2K21 is quite complex due to the different build factors such as size, archetype, takover, but also badges, which is why we offer our advice to help you master this process. Note that here we are not talking directly about the best builds or op badges to have but more basic advice to get started in the creation of your player (in My Career or Pro-AM).

The Importance of The Player Build in NBA 2K21 MyCareer

Your player's build will dictate what your character is capable of and therefore how you play and your role in NBA 2K21. Indeed, in recent years, it is no longer possible to be able to maximize all the attributes of your player.

Worse, some moves, shots, dribbles, and dunks will not be usable by your character depending on the level of his attributes. Forget the most technical crossovers with a player who does not have the best badges or three-point shots (even open) on a character with low ratings. This is all the more glaring in NBA 2K21 since the developers have increased certain thresholds. Note for example the more advanced dribbles which are only available from 85 in ball control. Therefore, you should definitely take these limitations into account when embarking on character creation.

Optimal Size For Your Player In My Career or Pro-AM

Previously a fairly mundane and unconventional element in the NBA 2K series, the size and scope of your player (arm length) are now major criteria in the creation of your character.

Here are some things to take into account:

  • - The size of the player will have an impact on their physical abilities

  • - It will also limit or increase notes like passing or shooting.

  • - A player can be limited in his values if he is too small or too big in relation to his position

However, in NBA 2K21, the optimal size for a Build tends to be different from what we find in NBA. It's not uncommon (it's actually pretty consistent) for a build to be better if the player is a little smaller than the usual standard. In addition, it would seem that very often attributes decrease sharply with the size of the players, especially in interiors.

Note that online, many players enjoy playing with more mobile characters and therefore a little smaller. There are full-back size wingers and strong winger size pivots. In short, the Houston Rockets' strategy also works in the game. 

Understanding The Takeover for NBA 2K21

Choosing a Takeover consolidates the general orientation of your player or, on the contrary, gives it an additional dimension. Thus, if you create a defensive interior, making him take goalkeeper of the basket, will increase his defensive dimension during the match.

Conversely, it is possible to muddy the waters with a defensive choice on a slightly more offensive player, like our full back Build à la Kobe Bryant.

Best NBA 2K21 Badges for Your MyCareer Player

Badges are also linked to your choice of attributes. These will allow you to unlock specific moves but also additional skills, which can make the difference when your character gets a fairly high overall rating.

A good build will usually allow you to unlock a lot of badges. Thus, a player with an overall rating of 95 could be worse than another player with an equivalent rating, if the latter has more high-level badges (Gold and Hall of Fame).

Is It Necessary To Optimize Your NBA 2K21 Player?

Many players wonder whether to optimize their player at all costs for My Career mode or Pro-AM. The answer is simple: no.

You can absolutely have fun on NBA 2K21 without really optimizing your character creation. If your goal is to purely play solo in MyCareer mode, your choices won't have too much of an impact unless you play at a very high difficulty level for you.

Conversely, if your goal is to play competitively online in Pro-AM or in the Park, it will be difficult to justify choices that are ill-suited to your position. Especially since if you are playing as a team it is very important to optimize your player for the other members of your five.

Redo A Player on NBA 2K21 MyCareer?

If in previous editions it was very difficult to play several players on My Career (because it takes a long time to reach a high level), the developers of 2K (source in English) have mentioned a change in the duration of a player's progression since the 2K20 edition.

However, progressing a character remains long and sometimes difficult, which is why we recommend that you spend some time to optimize your player as much as possible. Check out our list of optimized builds.

So much for our full article to understand how to properly create your player by taking into account the build, size, takeover, archetype in My Career mode. We will keep all our guides and tips on the game of Basketball updated. So don't hesitate to consult our other guides as well as our cheap NBA 2K21 MT for sale.

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