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Poe 1.3 Marauder Righteous Fire Build Passive Tree Vs 1.2 Passive Tree

12/17/2014 6:17:06 PM

the players who want to reset the passive tree to rf build needs to pay attention to the one coin. that is the three professions (marauder / scion / templar) can be transferred into righteous fire build in patch 1.3. but there is one coin you need to note is that you will waste lots of passive tree coin if you are original scion and templar.

first of all, see the 1.3 marauder passive tree

poe 1.3 marauder righteous fire build passive tree vs 1.2 passive tree

new passive tree vs outdated passive tree (the following analysis is taken level 99 as an example)

1. % of the maximum life: from 258% to 258%
2. life regeneration per second: 12.1 to 11.4
3. armor: 120% to 124%
4. maximum life value: 96 unchanged
5. strength: 330 to 290
6. intelligence : 130 to 140
7. dex: 20 to 30
8. % of the all elemental resistance: 5% rise to 20% sharply
9. 8 % fire resistance increase
(damage part increases by 44% in total)
10. fire damage: 26% rise sharply to 74%
11. burning damage: 105 significantly reduced to 75%
12. increase 26% elemental damage
13. mana regenerate speed: 80% 140% rise sharply
14. 20% increased flask regeneration
15. the 19% reduction in the skill consumption

conclusion: on the whole, the 1.3 rf build has not been weakened. only some life regeneration coins are slightly been reduced. in the damage part, some coins have been raised. the new passive tree also provides you with more % maximum life coin. if you give up a few life coins in passive tree, your life value can scale greatly.


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