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Psyonix Will Take Measures To Avoid Toxic Behavior In Rocket League

3/29/2018 10:57:51 AM

in recent months we have seen that more and more studies are concerned about the toxicity present in the community of their games and no wonder, because they can generate a bitter experience that alienates some players. psyonix, a studio known for its work in the rocket league, decided to join this trend by announcing measures to avoid these behaviors in their chat.


in a publication on steam, psyonix revealed that next to the rocket league tournaments update will come "a new way to identify and stop the abuse and harassment among rocket league players." this will be done by implementing a chat system, which will remove chat rights from players who violate the rocket league code of conduct. that is, it will punish those who use inappropriate language with racist, homophobic or gender-related insults.

rocket league chat ban

keep in mind that these punishments can range from 1 day to 1 month and those who continue to resort to the same practices could be banned from the game. one point that is important to note is that the punishment also has consequences in the fast chat since those affected can only use their functions once every 5 seconds.


an important point is that psyonix wants the bananas to be a transparent process, so players punished will receive a notification that will let them know why they were banned. in this way, they will know what type of language they should avoid so as not to affect the experience of other users. in addition, those who report a player will be notified if psyonix decides to take action against them.


and you, what do you think of these measures? do you think they will eliminate the toxicity of rocket league? tell us in the comments.

rocket league


we take advantage of the fact that we talked about the rocket league to tell you that its tournaments update will arrive in april and will include performance improvements for its version for switch. on the other hand, if you have been away from the game for some time, we recommend that you return to it, since a spring event is being held. to finish, we tell you that you will receive wwe content before the end of next month.


rocket league is available for PS 4, xbox one, nintendo switch and pc. follow to see more news and safe rocket league trade related to it. 

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