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Poe 1.3 Passive Tree Preview And 1.3 Righteous Fire Build Conception

12/6/2014 10:57:09 AM

according to the latest news, ggg has changed the passive tree. if you want to see the 1.3 passive tree preview and main passive tree changes, you can click the following link to see.
poe 1.3 passive tree preview and the changes analysis

this article is based on 1.3 new passive tree and it is only the 1.3 rf build conception. although it is not so perfect yet, it is also feasible in practical.
according to the 1.3 passive tree changes, the 1.3 blocking build is quite weak now. therefore, you can try rf build. you can turn the blocking passive tree coins to the blood and blood regeneration. and improve the burning damage further.

the equipment recommendation
rise of the phoenix, doryani's catalyst, carrion keep and cloak of defiance
weapon: fire damage / cast speed / spell damage. doryanis is your best in slot because it buffs both your incinerate and your rf but the build works great without it. i killed atziri with no risk with a lifesprig just to prove this is a budget build.

poe 1.3 passive tree preview and 1.3 righteous fire build conception

the passive tree, click here.

paste the passive tree to the 1.3 passive tree emulator.

the reason why i start with the templar is the blood regeneration / mana regeneratin / ele damage / casting speed. personally speaking, starting the build with templar will be much stronger than witch.

by the way, 1.3 passive tree will provide you with at most 10% ignite chance. high burning damage + high striking numbers will easily trigger the ignite chance. therefore, you can cause 30% extra damage to igniting foes. furthermore, in the way of passive tree, you can also get 2% elemental piercing. if you put fire penetration into use, you can get 40% + fire penetration effect.

clarity + purity of fire are the necessary gems.
use aa if the clarity can not meet you needs.
others for herald of ice / herald of lighting, it all depends on you.

gem linking:
4l: increased area of effect + increased burning damage + concentrated effect + righteous fire
6l: gmp +spell echo +faster attacking + incinerate + fire penetration + faster projectiles

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