Nice Compensation Patron 5 Days For 2 Days Of Archeage Downtime
all archeage servers are availiable and compensation for 2 days of downtime. it is not bad for patron 5 days, 7500 labor and 30 loyalty coins for patirons. details of archeage compensation in here. original link hi, everyone – with all archeage servers being back up and the world of erenor fu...
12/5/2014 11:52:48 AM

Archeage Farming Guide: How To Obtain Archeage Title "Horse Fancier"
"horse fancier" is a title in the archeage game world. this guide analyzes how to obtain it with pictures. to gain the horse fancier title, you have to complete breed six horses. first, you need breed rown, gray and buckskin lilyut horses. got to wardton in solzreed peninsula and buy the brown,...
11/26/2014 10:56:49 AM

Archeage Farm Wagon Guide: Crafting Useful Vehicle For Transporting And Watering
the farm wagon is a useful for you in archeage. it is not only a persoanl vehicle but also help water plants in your farm.for players, you can use it in your farm. now, you craft a farm wagon in the game world. first of all, you need to prepare the materials to craft the farm wagon. all of the m...
11/20/2014 3:41:55 PM

Detail Guide To Planting Rare Archeage Archeum Trees
archeum trees are special in the archeage world. archeum logs are rare materials for crafting useful items. on the one hand, you can purchase such trees on mirage island if you have enough gold. of course, you can plant them and harvest logs and even archeum dust/shards/crystals. archeum tree sap...
11/18/2014 4:13:24 PM

rumbling archeum tree is special and rare in the archeage world. it is very easily to plant the tree. you don’t get auroria mineral water for it. most importantly, compared to regular archeum tree with 10-hour growth, rumbling archeum tree grows very fast. there are top tips and guide to plant rum...
11/13/2014 5:10:57 PM

Making Acheage Gold Guide: Hunt For Treasure In Deep Sea
treasure hunting underwater is one way to make archeage gold. compared with other mmorpgs, archeage treasure hunting is funny and adventure. to hunt for treasure in deep sea, you first need to make a necessary preparation: 1. you need a fast boat to sail to the sea spots where you will hunt for ...
11/10/2014 12:16:09 PM

Top Tips For Easily Gainning Archeage Thunderstruck Trees
thunderstruck tree is rare snd useful logs to craft in archeage.how to form thunderstruck trees? this cracked and burnt tree was clearly struck by lightning. to obtain thunderstruck trees, you need to labor coins to plant trees; then it is lucky enough of that the trees are by lightning. obviousl...
11/6/2014 8:30:46 AM

Tips Of Archeage Farming / Planting For Beginners
there are many agricultural products in archeage, general speaking, the more expensive of seeds, the longer grow and the higher profits can be obtained. growth of the time according to calculate the real world, rather than the game time. simple steps to farming, feeding and planting. buy seeds to m...
10/28/2014 2:20:38 PM

Archeage The Hottest Melee Classes With Battlerage Recommendation: Blade Dancer
as we all know that battlerage is the necessary skills for most melee classes. class with battlerage will have a great advantage in the early stage. skills set recommendation for beginners battlerage + shadowplay + defense battlerage + shaowplay + songcraft battlerage + archery + shadowplay ...
10/24/2014 2:49:31 PM

So Poor? How Do You Making Gold In Archeage Fast?
do you still feel so poor in archeage? and very curious about other players how to make gold fast, so today we would share the popular ways to earn enough archeage gold. buy and sell some profitable stuffit is not need you much time and effort to find some profitable stuff, such as house flipping, ...
10/23/2014 3:51:43 PM

you must always expect that you can build a tank build in group battle and melee/ranged build. today i will show you an abolisher tank build. the main feature of abolisher is that he will be the attacking focus in most group battle. he will be the strongest tank character in archeage. his tanking w...
10/22/2014 3:48:43 PM

How To Crafting Your Archeage Weapon And Armor (Cloth / Leather / Plate) For Beginners
original link believe still many players does not know how / where to get started to crafting your weapon and armor in archeage. now, sellarcheagegold.com would share a guide to help you crafting fast and easy. how to archeage gear (weapon, armor) crafting in archeage, you can hit the key o to...
10/21/2014 10:45:57 AM

Archeage Guild: How To Improve Your Characters Performance In Combat
there are 3 ways to teach you how to improve your characters performance (armor and weapon) in archeage online game, to make you special and unique. lunastones and lunagems lunastones and lunagems are can improve your items, they are belongs enchanting and socketing. details of how to socketing lu...
10/15/2014 3:45:05 PM

Analysis Of Five Popular Archeage Mage Builds
for me, i like the mage class. thus, i collected five popular archeage mage builds to share with you. if you love mage as well, let’s look at them together. as well all know, there are ten common skill sets in archeage. whatever builds you create is based on the archeage sets. to be the ...
9/12/2014 6:44:03 PM

Archeage Guide: A Few Tips For Farming
many games will set farming system. players can grow some crop which will benefit your energy. furthermore, growing crops will help players to level up faster. even though farming is not so obvious as equipment, the farming will do a certain help for your . the farming system is a highlight for mos...
8/14/2014 2:41:52 PM